
Startup creation


MINT venture studio program
“Driven to create”

As a venture studio, Mint Venture Partners innovates biotech and
healthcare business through startup creation and new business development

PRISM is our flagship startup creation program that translates innovative
technologies and products from around the world into business

  • 01-Inception
    Ideas and inventions emerge from anywhere

    We source technologies, products, and ideas from medical professionals, scientists, and researchers around the world.
    We evaluate the value of technologies and ideas and assess the feasibility of commercialization.

  • 02-Business planning
    Ideas & inventions are transformed into business plans

    After feasibility assessment, we make business plan and strategy of how to translate inventions into business based on market analysis. We also design the structure of the company and initial team building.

  • 03-Incorporation
    An exciting journey begins with

    A startup is incorporated based on business plan and strategy. Technology inventor(s) and Mint Venture Partners join this process as co-founders.

    Initial funding follows after incorporation and initial team members join the company.

  • 04-Build-up and growth
    The company moves forward and
    grows with Mint Venture Partners

    We support and build up our startups by various ways including investment and support of operation and management.
    As a venture studio, Mint Venture Partners is engaged in accelerating the growth of startups.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to company creation:
We adapt our model to suit any unique circumstances
  • Discovery
  • Initial planning
  • Strategy & modeling
  • Fundraising
  • Operation &
  • EXIT
              (M&A or IPO)


prism infographic
MINT PRISM Companies
  • Key Proteo logo

    Key Proteo Seattle, USA

    Key Proteo, a University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Research Institute spinout, is focused on the proteomic diagnosis of treatable genetic disorders.

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  • GenoTwin logo

    GenoTwin New York, USA

    GenoTwin, a Columbia Univ. spinout, is based on the innovative genome data analytics for infectious diseases and cancer of humans and animals.

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  • BeauBrain logo

    BeauBrain Healthcare Seoul, Korea

    BeauBrain Healthcare, a Samsung Medical Center spinout, is dedicated to the early diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Join our Stetho program for
startup creation

Stetho Program