민트 벤처파트너스의 최신 소식
[Hyperfine] Hyperfine Appoints New Board of Directors
[Sonic Incytes] Sonic Incytes Successfully Completes Series A Raise of US$7.3M to Accelerate Velacur
[Activ Surgical] Activ Surgical Granted Second U.S. Patent for ActivSight Imaging Module
[Activ Surgical] Activ Surgical Wins BostInno’s “Inno on Fire Blazer” Award
[Hyperfine] Hyperfine, Liminal Sciences, and HealthCor Catalio Acquisition Corp. Announce Effectiven
[Hyperfine] Hyperfine Receives FDA Clearance for Deep Learning Portable MRI, Defining the Future of
[Charco Neurotech] 샤코 뉴로텍, 파킨슨병 증상완화 기술로 1천만달러 투자유치
[메쥬] 메쥬, 동아에스티로부터 전략적 투자 유치
[메쥬] 메쥬, 의료AI 국제공동기술개발 사업 선정