
[Activ Surgical] Activ Surgical Granted Second U.S. Patent for ActivSight Imaging Module

[Activ Surgical]


Author: Tom Calef, CTO, Activ Surgical


All of us at Activ Surgical are thrilled to announce that the company was issued its second patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) related to our ActivSightTM imaging module on November 23, 2021. This patent–U.S. Patent No. 11,179,218 B2–demonstrates our potential to build on the current version of the tool, including the addition of multimodal sensing to robotic surgical vision systems.


The first U.S. patent for the ActivSight imaging module was issued in March 2021, and was quickly followed up by our FDA clearance for the enhanced visualization hardware. It will power Activ Surgical’s technology-as-a-service bundle–the ActivInsightsTM augmented reality (AR)-based software suite–which offers real time tissue assessment in the form of previously unavailable visual overlays. Our ultimate goal is to use the ActivSight imaging module to capture and transform massive amounts of data gathered intra-operatively to provide surgeons real-time guidance in the operating room and, ultimately, enhancing patient outcomes.


This is a proud moment for the entire Activ Surgical team as we extend our leadership in the digital surgery space. I want to congratulate all of our employees as we have now secured 30+ patents worldwide and brought more than 110 inventions to market.